Saturday, February 05, 2005

Saya ini..dan sahabat2 saya

Yang plg saya sayangi ialah sahabat2 yg tidak pernah melupakan saya
Sha, saya bukan teruk sgt. Tapi sy xde kekuatan utk pergi dn bercampur dgn semua org. Sy x yakin sy mampu bersama2 org lain dlm setiap aktiviti. Sha selalu suruh sy mujahadah, tp sy sgt penat sha. Saya tau sha syg sy, sy juga syg diri sy..
tapi tahle, sy pun xtau nape..
saya syg Allah, tp sy selalu rs sy tak sampai Dia..sbb sy sndr mls!sy malas!malas utk bertahan!!!!!
sbb tu sy kata, "Once u lost Him, u lost everything.."
sy lemah sgt internally..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Process Tomography

The students is expected to design, develop and test an array of sensors placed around the periphery of a process vessel, to image the concentration and movement of components inside. Measurements are reconstructed to form two- or three-dimensional images, providing information to monitor processes and improve yields, quality, efficiency and overall control. Students are expected to simulate model on MATLAB and compare the design on the real systems. Knowledge in hardware design as well as instrumentation is a prerequisite to successful completion of the project.

What do u think guys?