Case 1 : From sumbudy's blog
Secret Admirer
Erk, am I going back to my old school. Kes kes. Saje jek nak merevise the memory that long gone before.
When I was in the first year, I got myself a secret admirer. Who? Heh, carik sendiriklah. For those reader who know who the person is, just keep quite ok. He was my inspiration. Mase tuh, berkobar beb semangat nak study. Xnak kalah dgn dia. Yelah, org pandai, scorer plak tuh (ye kot, aku pon xsure sgt, tapi carry mark tinggi ar).Owh, btw, he did not know about this thing.
But as the year passes by, we had been separated by our subjects. More and more different classes and courses. So, at the end, I heard that he maintained his achievement. Me? Usah dikesali ape yg berlaku. Salah sendirik. Kes kes.
To him, wishing you all the best and may Allah bless the way you choose to go through. You know who you are.:)
Case 2: From Ein's conversation
x: Lawanya beg
Y: Bukan kite punye
x: Sape
Y: Ju
x: Erk..x lawa ah.
Case 1: dapat dr satu blog senior yg pnah diminati oleh sumbudy
case 2: dapat dr pbualan kwn dgn sumbudy yg close to sumotherbudy ( aku husnulzann die gurau2 je)
But all those cases sedikit sbyk memfracturekan jiwa..krekk..